4CARS Čistiace vlhčené obrúsky na sklá 96337
4CARS Čistiace vlhčené obrúsky na sklá
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Ideálne na čistenie skiel, zrkadiel a čírych plastov. Šetrne a jemne čistia a chránia čistený povrch. Obrúsky zaistia dobrú viditeľnosť pre bezpečnú jazdu autom. Odstránia mastnotu aj zaschnutý hmyz na skle.
Screen Wipes 30 pcs
Fast and effective removal of dirt. Do not leave smudges. No other detergent is required after use. Application: Peel the seal, remove wipes and treat the surface. Reseal the pack to keep the wipes moist. If necessary, use another wipe. Precautionary statements: Intended for direct use. Do not use for personal hygiene. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid eye contact. Protect from sunlight and freezing. According to Regulation No. 648/2004/EC contains: non-ionic surfactants (<0,2%), Ethylparaben, Bronopol, Cetrimonium Bromide, perfume, Citric Acid. Storage time is 36 months from the manufacture date on the packaging.